Kat Helgren
With 25 total runs, 28 hits, and optional pitching, game
five of the 2017 World Series could be the greatest World Series ever. The
Dodgers faced the Astros, with one of the most exciting baseball games of World
Series history on this past Sunday night. The Astro’s took the lead in the
series 3-2 in game five. With both starting pitchers unable to keep the runs
from coming, both pitchers were taken out of the game at the beginning of the
sixth inning. With the starting pitchers unable to make a difference, six other
pitchers from each team were put in to try and aid the massive hitting night,
but not one pitcher was able to prevail for long. This game produced the second
most runs in World Series history. As some believe that the game balls had been
altered to cause this crazy game, would that really be a bad thing? The massive
hitting streak lead this game to be one of the most exciting baseball games I
have ever watched. Should we consider altering all the baseballs if they were
altered to make more exciting baseball games? Baseball ratings have been going
down steadily now, but this could potentially throw the trajectory off. This
game was exhilarating, and gave many sports fans a pull back into baseball. If
every game was played like this game five of the World Series, we could bring
an invigorating interest to baseball. If baseball begins the trend of these
exciting games, we could change the projection of baseball game viewers in the
future for the better. Game six will resume on Tuesday October 31, hopefully
contributing to an even more exciting and eventful evening for the 2017 Major
League Baseball World Series.